peer-reviewed PUBLICATIONS
(current or former lab members in bold)
Pruett JL, S Showalter Otts, KL Willett, L Fairbanks, KM Darnell, DJ Gochfeld. 2024. A past, present, and future outlook on the Mississippi oyster fishery. Journal of Shellfish Research 43: 1-13
Correia KM, SB Alford, BA Belgrad, KM Darnell, MZ Darnell, BT Furman, MO Hall, CT Hayes, CW Martin, A McDonald, DL Smee. 2024. Hurricane Effects on Seagrass and Associated Nekton Communities in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 47(1):162-75.
Byrnes MA, MZ Darnell, KM Darnell. 2022. Changes in the morphology of widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) with the onset of reproduction and impacts on fish assemblages at the Chandeleur Islands, LA. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:978772
Enwright NM, KM Darnell, GA Carter. 2022. Lacunarity as a tool for assessing spatial heterogeneity over time and informing long-term monitoring programs: An example using seagrass. Landscape Ecology 37: 2689-2705
Correia KM, SB Alford, BA Belgrad, KM Darnell, MZ Darnell, BT Furman, MO Hall, CT Hayes, CW Martin, AM McDonald, DL Smee. 2022. Drift macroalgae positively influence seagrass-associated nekton communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Environmental Science: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.939296
Correia KM, SB Alford, BA Belgrad, KM Darnell, MZ Darnell, BT Furman, MO Hall, CT Hayes, CW Martin, AM McDonald, DL Smee. 2022. Drift macroalgae distribution in northern Gulf of Mexico seagrass meadows. Peer J 10:e13855
Hayes CT, SB Alford, BA Belgrad, KM Correia, MZ Darnell, BT Furman, MO Hall, CW Martin, AM McDonald, DS Lee, KM Darnell. 2022. Regional variation in seagrass complexity drives blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) mortality and growth across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 693: 141-155
Carruthers TJB, EP Kiskaddon, MM Baustian, KM Darnell, LC Moss, CL Perry, C Stagg. 2021. Tradeoffs in habitat value to maximize natural resource benefits from coastal restoration in a rapidly eroding wetland – is monitoring land area sufficient? Restoration Ecology 30: e13564
Gorham S, S Seyoum, BT Furman, KM Darnell, LK Reynolds, MD Tringali. 2021. Molecular detection of a non-native hybrid eelgrass (Vallisneria spiralis Linnaeus x V. denseserrulata Makino) in the southeastern United States. Aquatic Botany 175: 103445
Wiesenberg DA, B Shipp, J Fodre, S Powers, J Lartigue, KM Darnell, MM Baustian, C Ngo, JF Valentine, K Wowk. 2021. Prospects for Gulf of Mexico environmental recovery and restoration. Oceanography 34: 164-173
Belgrad, BA, KM Correia, KM Darnell, MZ Darnell, CT Hayes, MO Hall, BT Furman, CW Martin, DL Smee. 2021. Environmental drivers of seagrass-associated nekton abundance across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts
Darnell KM, BT Furman, KL Heck Jr., D Byron, L Reynolds, KH Dunton. 2021. Seed reserve hot spots for the sub-tropical seagrass Halodule wrightii (shoal grass) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 44: 339-351
Shakeri LM, KM Darnell, TJB Carruthers, MZ Darnell. 2020. Blue crab abundance, biomass, and survival in a fragmenting coastal marsh system. Estuaries and Coasts 43: 1545-1555
Darnell MZ, KM Darnell. 2018. Geographic variation in thermal tolerance and morphology in a fiddler crab sister-species pair. Marine Biology 165: 26
Tinoco AL, BT Furman, KM Darnell, BJ Peterson. 2017. Submerged aquatic vegetation, topography and flow characteristics in the upper, tidal Hudson River: progress toward a predictive habitat model. Aquatic Botany 142: 53-60
Cho J, P Biber, KM Darnell, KH Dunton. 2017. Seasonal and annual dynamics in seagrass beds of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi. Southeastern Geographer (Special Issue: Coastal Seagrass and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico) 57: 246-272
Jerabek AS, KM Darnell, C Pellerin, TJB Carruthers. 2017. Use of marsh edge and submerged aquatic vegetation as habitat by fish and crustaceans in south Louisiana. Southeastern Geographer (Special Issue: Coastal Seagrass and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico) 57: 212-230
Darnell KM, KH Dunton. 2017. Plasticity in Thalassia testudinum flower production in response to porewater nitrogen availability. Aquatic Botany 138: 100-106
Darnell KM, TJB Carruthers, P Biber, IY Georgiou, TC Michot, RG Boustany. 2017. Spatial and temporal patterns in Thalassia testudinum leaf tissue nutrients at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 1288-1300
Darnell KM, KH Dunton. 2016. Reproductive phenology of the subtropical seagrasses Thalassia testudinum (turtle grass) and Halodule wrightii (shoal grass) in the northwest Gulf of Mexico. Botanica Marina 59: 473-483
Darnell KM, DM Booth, EW Koch, KH Dunton. 2015. The interactive effects of water flow and reproductive strategies on seed and seedling dispersal along the substrate in two sub-tropical seagrass species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 471: 30-40
Darnell KM, KH Dunton. 2015. Consumption of turtle grass seedlings by crabs in the western Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 520: 153-163
Steele L, KM Darnell, J Cebrian, JL Sanchez-Lizaso. 2014. Sarpa salpa herbivory on shallow reaches of Posidonia oceanica beds. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 37.1: 49-57
Darnell KM, KL Heck Jr. 2013. Species-specific effects of prior grazing on the palatability of turtle grass. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 440: 225–232
Osterberg JS, KM Darnell, TM Blickley, JA Romano, D Rittschof. 2012. Acute toxicity and sublethal effects of common pesticides in post-larval and juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 424-425: 5–14
Rittschof D, MZ Darnell, KM Darnell, M Goldman, M Ogburn, RE McDowell. 2011. Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina. In: Kruse, GH, GL Eckert, RJ For, RN Lipcius, B Sainte-Marie, DL Stram, D Woodby (eds) Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Fairbanks
Darnell MZ, KM Darnell, RE McDowell, D Rittschof. 2010. Post-capture survival and future reproductive potential of ovigerous blue crabs caught in the central North Carolina pot fishery. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 1677–1687
Darnell MZ, D Rittschof, KM Darnell, RE McDowell. 2009. Lifetime reproductive potential of female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in North Carolina. Marine Ecology Progress Series 394: 153–163
McKay KM, KL Heck Jr. 2008. Presence of the Jonah Crab, Cancer borealis, significantly reduces kelp consumption by the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 356: 295–298
other publications
Wang H, NM Enwright, KM Darnell, MK LaPeyre, J Cebrian, S-C Kim, B Bunch, SJ Stelly, B Couvillion, S Dalyander, RC Mickey, M Segura. 2020. Seagrass Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Feasibility Assessment at Dauphin Island. In: Enwright, N.M., Wang, H., Dalyander, S.P., and Godsey, E., eds., 2020, Predicting barrier island habitats and oyster and seagrass habitat suitability for various restoration measures and future conditions for Dauphin Island, Alabama: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1003, 99 pages